Facebook Ads: Campaign Objectives

There are several things to keep in mind when using this platform. You have to use eye-catching images, have a knack for copywriting, all while making sure it fits all Facebook guidelines. Most importantly, the ads must resonate with your audience. There are times where we create eye-catching ads with great copy, yet the end results are lower than expected. You must also think of the goal of your ad, the time of delivery, the type of media, the way the audience will view it (mobile or desktop?), and budget at the same time.

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Damaris Villalva
4 Steps to Effective Email Marketing

There are tons of great resources out there for setting up an effective email. The key components of effect are to have a variety of content, a call to action, a consistent look and feel to your brand, and you need to mix it up with some intermittent discounts or incentives.  Continue reading to find out what else you need to know to be successful in email marketing…

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4 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

Having a diverse workforce can bring positive benefits to a company as well as its employees. Everyone views the world differently, this means that they can apply their personal experiences and circumstances to contribute unique perspectives to benefit a company. There are many positive impacts of having a diverse workforce. Some important ones to remember are that diversity can increase productivity, increase creativity, improve cultural insight, and increase employee engagement.

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How to be a Better Leader in the Workplace: Utilize Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is a hidden gem for the workplace. Leaders are starting to realize how being self-aware and aware of others’ emotions aids in improving workplace relationships, communication, and increases overall motivation. The ability to read ourselves, others, and situations play major keys in creating a healthy, happy, and motivated workplace environment.

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