How to Build Your Brand via Social Media
By: Hannah Eaglen | Brand Manager
Published: February 3, 2021
These days, just about everyone knows that social media is a great tool for increasing brand recognition and brand growth. The problem is, few actually know how to effectively do it. A big mistake that I see a lot of companies do when pursuing brand awareness growth is to just post, post, post, post post and I am here to tell you to STOP. That is not the answer.
Posting quantities means nothing without quality. Before you begin strategizing your big three month plan highlighting all of the posts and promotions you plan to share, dwell on the purpose of it all. When you're trying to build that social media presence, you need to stop and ask yourself “why would a patient or consumer want to follow me?” To put it in perspective, consider why you follow the people that you do. Then you’ll realize that they are not going to follow you just because you post ten times a day. They are going to follow you because you are giving them some sort of added value. People click that follow button and stay engaged because they either get information from your posts, or they believe in what your company stands for, or maybe they just really like your products. One way or another, you have to give your consumers something for them to continue to support you. So all of these things must be considered when you're planning out your content.
One easy way to implement this would be to try the “Give, Give, Give, Ask” model. Added value will be your best friend when promoting your brand and increasing brand recognition over your social media platforms! When you're adding value to your followers, they'll want to stick with you. They want to learn more. They want to receive more. Then, once you consistently pour out quality content that your followers appreciate, that's when they start to listen to your asks and click that add to cart button or schedule that consultation. Some examples of this are informative posts, fun facts, organizational information, or employee shoutouts. Then that fourth post can ask something from your consumers. At that point they are involved and engaged in what you're posting. So, when you follow that model and you're not asking too much from your followers, that's when your following will start to grow. It is also to remember, that although followers mean a lot and you are trying to grow that number, engagement is even more important. It's more meaningful to have a few followers that are really engaged in your organization, than a lot of followers who don't engage with anything you post. So, in order to grow an engaged following, try to follow the “Give, Give, Give, Ask” model, and add value to those that are following you so they will want to keep following you and share you with their friends.